Saturday, 21 May 2016

Aquarium Cleaning With Easy Step

Regular changes are one of the most important aspects of maintaining good water quality. For live plant tanks, weekly changes are best to replace trace elements. In an unplanted freshwater aquarium, water parameters should be checked weekly, and water changes performed accordingly. Aquariums with a good filtration system, should have a monthly water change at the minimum, generally to reduce the amount of nitrates in the water.

Why Should I Clean my Fish Tank?
Owning an aquarium at home makes the environment very relaxing and enjoyable,but you can enjoy until the glass begins to get dirty.Cleaning such glass is really a pain ,but cleaning of your fish tank  is must, as ignorance to cleaning your tank will really cost your fish life, and this my personal experience.

Easy and exciting step to keep your  freshwater tank always clean-

  1. Cleaning the glasses of the tank to avoid the grow of algae
  2. Maintain the water cycle and filtration
  3. Avoid over feeding of fish
  4. Clean the aquarium bed
  5. Clean the filter 
  6. Keep the lights off for a few hours, darkness is calming for your fish as they adjust from the stress of the water change.                                                                                               

 What you will  Need :-

Gravel vacuum.


Water Conditioner Or Dechlorine. 



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